As usual... if one of these is yours and it's not attributed to you, let me know and I'll fix it! Also...I've been woefully neglectingthe recording of quotes of late, so if you have anything (appropriate) to add, throw it on there!
"Somebody talked about trogladites. Isn't that helpful?"
"I think it's cool that Isabelle's awesome."
April: I got a Doctor Who shirt!"
Justin: "I got a Doctor Who SHIRT!"
"Justin! How big is your face and where is it?"
"We always do a great job of not doing that."
I don't want kids to be afraid of us. Well...yeah, I do...but just a little bit."
"Two important announcements! I have an office!"
"To WILDLY paraphrase..."
"People want shay trees, you know?"
"We'll get started maybe even a MINUTE early."
"Have you sat and pondered this ball?"
"Sometimes I feel like an angry zombie."
"What you want is for your students to be doing the work...nonviolently."
"If you didn't show up at Rendezvous you were considered dead."
"I think the funniest thing I do when I teach is make diagrams."
"What class are we? We're THIS class."
"As we will see in the next 5 minutes, there are lots of exceptions to lots of things."
"What's interesting about this slide is that it isn't grey. It's blue."
"Jefferson would have been very excited, but he was dead."
"There's a house of some description."
"This is London RIGHT 1773."
"People always like stuff in the northwest."
"So they were going to Monks- in a time machine, obviously."
"I'm sorry that we're not ready to rock." (very apologetically)
"I just want to hit the good points. Or should I just talk about twine?"